

Dropwise Inc, Worcester MA, Jun 2018 - present

WooDeals is a mobile app that allows WPI students to find discounts at local eateries we've partnered with. I built this app using React Native and Firebase, and it is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Work Readiness Skills Tool

Work Readiness Skills Tool

Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne Australia, Jan - May 2018

I collaborated with three other students and members of an Australian nonprofit to build a web application that allows underpriviledged youth to assess their skills. We used Node.js and Amazon Web Services including EC2, DynamoDB, and Cognito.

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Slime Soccer

Slime Soccer

CS4241 Webware, Worcester MA, Oct 2017

I worked with two other students to create a multiplayer web game, Slime Soccer. We used technologies such as Node.js, Express, and Socket.io.

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Software Engineering, WPI, Oct - Dec 2016

I collaborated with four classmates to create a boggle-like game using Java within a seven-week term. We followed good software design principles, such as the MVC design pattern, and used tools such as the JUnit testing framework.

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Personal Website

Personal Website

Aug 2017, May 2018

I built this website to showcase examples of my work. I designed it to be responsive using CSS media querries, Flexbox, and Grid layout. I later refactored the site using Jekyll to make it easier to maintain.